Annie Groves


Penelope Jones Halsall (24 Nov. 1946 - Dec. 31, 2011)
Penelope Jones Halsall's Pseudonyms
Caroline Courtney Pseudonym used to sign regency novels (1979-1986).
Melinda Wright Pseudonym used to sign air-hostess romps(1981-1983).
Lydia Hitchcock Pseudonym used to sign thrillers (1981-1982).
Penny Jordan Pseudonym used to sign contemporany novels (1981-Present).
Annie Groves Pseudonym used to sign historical novels (2003-Present).

She had been a keen reader from the childhood. She was a storyteller long before she began to write romantic fiction.

She has earned a living as a writer since the 1970s when, as a shorthand typist, she entered a competition run by the Romantic Novelists' Association. Although she didn't win, she found an agent. She published four regency novels as Caroline Courtney, before changing her name to Melinda Wright and then she wrote two thrillers as Lydia Hitchcock. Soon after that, Mills and Boon accepted her first novel for them, Falcon's Prey as Penny Jordan. However, for her present historical romance novels, she has adopted her mother's maiden-name to become Annie Groves. Almost 70m of her 167 Mills and Boon novels have been sold worldwide.

